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Psalm 46
Episode No. 91

Let us be honest, we put together a great one-off episode because we haven’t finished the next season’s idea. The new season will be on the humanity of Jesus and in this one-off, we talk about Andrew’s favorite verse, Psalm 46.

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Verses – Psalm 46
Resource – Try Dwell
Resource – Bestself Icebreaker Cards


Hello hello hello hello we’re just 2 normal dudes trying to live this jesus life. My name’s Josh.

Hey I’m Andrew and we are this jesus life podcast Josh we nailed that we totally nailed that intro man at 91 episodes in when the.

Boom we did after being a couple weeks off I feel like yeah we were pros at this point like we are podcasting None

When the intro music started I’m like when the intro music got going I’m like we are not messing this thing up this I almost messaged you. We’re about to crush the centtro. But then I’m like that’s going to throw Josh off. We will not crush this intro. Um.

When I went when it started I had a brief moment of like ah I know I remember what I say we’re good. But I’ve had a Andrew I’ve I had a pretty I’ve had a pretty scarring morning. Um I went to have my morning.

Yeah, yeah, dude, it’s been a couple weeks how you doing I tell me about it tell me more about it right.

I’m my morning daily accomplishment um cooked breakfast and felt felt some some rumblings so I went to the bathroom to relieve those rumblings and there was a big freaking spider in my toilet.

Right? right.

Um, yeah, ah oh man.

I’m talking like fangs ah monstrous like ready to attack I don’t know how he was hanging on the water or he was walking on water like Jesus so you know he might have been a demon ah ah spider I don’t know but from now on my downstairs bathroom is.

Oh no, right? right? ah.

Yeah, yeah, that’s the problem though man if you leave it neglected for very long that spider might multiply like you might be walking into many of those spiders if you wait too long. You got to go in there do to.

Is out a commission like where I’m never using it again.

Don’t say things like that. No joke like the the scariest movie I’ve ever watched in my entire life Iraq and phobia that one ruined me ruined me.

Ah, really no way. That’s funny. Yeah that that was freaky that was really freaky. Yeah I don’t even know what the scariest movie is ah that I’ve watched but None that really comes to mind is the ring man. I remember seeing that I was in like None or none grade when that came out and my my girlfriend wanted like loved scary movies and I was like okay like whatever and we went and saw it and I was just terrified. For a long time like could not sleep multiple nights I’m like this just the worst I’m never watching a scary movie again like dude that girl crawling out of the well all kick get get gang like oh messed up messed up. Yeah yeah.

Wow Yeah I’ve never seen that movie. Nope Nope. Nope I would never watch it I don’t see the point of scaring myself like that. Don’t get the the highs from it. Um.

Yeah, no, no, not at all mm.

When I was like 7 if even that I remember my 19 year old sister at the time or however old she was thought it would be a great idea to show her younger brother the movie scream right? before went to bed and then she would have let me sleep in her bed.

Um, oh oh no, oh oh, that’s scary. That’s scary for sure. Dude um.

Maybe sleep on the floor I’ll by myself matter the that was a terrifying night. Yeah.

I don’t have any spider updates except actually I do I was Jana had finished seeing the counseling client and and she had met like them on Zoom so she went downstairs and did ah was yeah last night in the evening did a evening session with them finish that up. And and she comes charge it upstairs. She’s like there is a spider you have to vacuum up or like you have to get right now on that bed downstairs because we have friends coming in a few tastes and dude.


I went down and I’m like oh here it is you know she told me it went under this blanket I moved it. It’s like a huge nasty like thick wolf spider ish thing no hairs but like thick body you know like not the type of spider you want hanging out in a bed. So man.

No, no, no.

This thing like had not moved so I’m like oh simple, it’s going to be so easy. So I get the vacuum and I go to vacuum it up and as soon as I turn it on this thing goes into like running mode all over the bed like back and forth and back and forth and eventually I did get it but I like.

Nope. Nope.

It like darted under one of the pillows which I’m like oh my gosh if I get one of my friends bit on the head who are coming to visit. It’s going to be terrible I Hope they don’t listen to this? Ah, but yes.

Nope I feel like I feel like spiders spiders are like cockroaches if you see one. There’s a thousand You don’t see they’re around and they’re watching you.

Ah, we’ve been cleaning it a lot. We’ve been cleaning up big time though. Weve vacuumed a lot of little spiders. This was just one of the big ones that’s like no, you can’t stay you got to go so I did get it Ryan and Chelsea you should be fine. Um, but I man oh.

Ah I couldn’t know.

I’m glad I’m glad where I live and where I have lived in this city has not had a ton of spiders like I couldn’t couldn’t do it and I’m not like 1 of those None men. They’re like I can’t kill us but I’ll kill that damn spider. But then it’s gonna run in my head of like where’s all his buddies.

Yeah dude I I don’t like spiders. Yeah, right right? If there’s one. There’s probably more.

His buddies see me kill the spider are they gonna wait until I fall asleep. No joke. So I saw the spider right? I flush the spider down the toilet because I think you would I hope he went down the toilet I didn’t actually see him go down the toilet but I’m gonna have to inspect that toilet before I ever sit on it again.

Um, yeah, yeah.


Maybe I’ll let somebody else sit on it None and just see how it goes I’m just kidding ah, but then I’m walking huh’ like hey you just poop here. Ah, and then I’ll walk it up the stairs and my boxer shorts like.

Ah, just out there inviting somebody into your house like hey dude can you come check out this toilet right.

Pinch like a hair in my butt I thought the spiders coming after me, it’s like they’re gonna get me now was like they found me now it was it was rough. They probably brought it. We went camping this weekend I probably brought it home with me.

Ah, ah, dude you are not gonna sleep tonight. Oh man, that’s bad. That’s bad man. Yeah, ah yeah.

With all that damn camping. It’s probably exactly what was it’s probably in that camping year. Oh that’s frustrating.

Maybe you can believe that but it probably was just in your house that whole time. Ah dude I got it. It’s been a while and I know we gotta get into it in a minute here but I okay 2 chicken updates for you? Um, we just got.

It was huge too. He was a healthy spider.

New baby chicks. Um, not to replace all the chickens but we got 6 1 died because add pasty butt and I like it’s a thing chicks get where I kept getting all the.


Is that like the official name hasty. But.

Yeah, well that’s like it’s the unofficial. But if you Google that like a ton of like home chicken stuff of like here’s how to deal with that comes up anyway, this one little baby chick didn’t make it which was sad but we have None going strong and honestly dude when you buy baby chicks. They’re always like yeah you should expect None or 2 to not. Make it. So anyway had a good end of its life. But what motivated this is we went from None chickens down to 12 unfortunately and the ending was rather dramatic. Um, this one chicken had been sick I’d been nursing her along for like. Two weeks you know at this point like the the other chickens were picking on her because they could tell she was weak so I like made her own little spot I was giving her extra like nutritious stuff to eat that the other chickens couldn’t get to I was letting her out extra so she could eat more bugs and do all that stuff. Well one night one one afternoon I let her and a couple other chickens out and you know it was like close to dinner time. So I went and put them back in they ranged plenty but the None chicken was like no I’m not going back in yet the one that had been sick and and I’m like okay I’ll just put you in after dinner. It’s like none you know, not dark, nothing close to dark. Whatever so I went back there at None and I was calling for this chicken. She had been right around the coop calling for her calling for her and then I looked down and man. I kid you not it was like somebody had exploded a bag of feathers like just just feathers everywhere man nothing but feathers no blood. Nothing. But dude I think a hawk swooped down attacked this thing and it was like boof.

The hawk got it. You know what you need yo yo you know what you need have you seen that have you seen that video that little Billy goat.

You know a ball of feathers shooting in the near. Yeah, totally a hawk totally a hawk and yeah, what? no no dude. Ah that would be that would be awesome.

Like protecting the chickens from a hawk. You need a goat. You need a goat to be like you’re protector and he goes and like knocks into the the hawk saves the chicken.

Ah, man our girls would lose their minds if we haven’t had a little goat. They would love that. Um, yeah man. So anyway went down to None chickens now I’m back up to None lord willing that these little baby chicks make it all the way to egg lang age. But ah yeah, man, some chicken drama up in the Hanna House over here but you know such as life such as life. Yeah, yeah, well you get vicariously get to get to live through it on this podcast. So but honestly dude I’m like I’m gonna give.

You know I’ve never had chicken drum before never experienced that um made me. But. Nice Well before we get.

I’m going to make sure that I take care of these things. Give them a good life but they’re also kind of demons to 1 another when they have the opportunity to be like you know they get a little hungry. They start eating their friends. 1 ne’s a little bit weak. They start pecking them to death like they are not.

Oh my gosh.

They’re not kind little creatures So like I’m going to I’m going to treat you guys? well but I know what you are So we go down one such as life. So.

Wow, you’re you’re much nicer I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be doing that I’m like dude these evil birds I’m gonna torture them just just approve just kidding I won’t torture to birds. Don’t don’t submit me to Peter or whatever.

Um, no way away. No way. Ah I know how well you treat Jack if you got chickens, you’d be like the nicest chicken owner ever.


But all right dude sorry you keep trying to get into something I keep interrupting you right? He really is.

My dog my dog’s a princess um, not only is he a princess he was running on my parents backyard yesterday and he had like a little pounce to his step like it was very pompous in the way he was running.


And was like I think he really does think he’s he’s like some kind of royalty or something is he is a princess. He’s out cold right now. Not even know he I don’t know where he slept last night. There’s pretty bad storm so he freaks out when there’s a storm I don’t know if he slept on my bed or.

Ah, oh princess. Ah, that’s funny.

To one of his many beds throughout my house. It’s probably my fault. He’s a princess. He’s a pretty good life. But yeah before we get into the conversation for today. AnAndrew let’s talk a little bit aboutwell if you haven’t had the opportunity yet to check out dwell dwell is an audio bible app.

Yeah, yeah, he’s got a good life. Let’s talk about it.

Um, that lives right on your phone you have it with you always and for $39 a year. You have access to passionate people that care about reading scripture. So. It’s not those monotone guys or it’s not you know, maybe even your own voice in your head but it’s a great tool to start foster relationship with Jesus now. When we read scripture or listen to scripture. We don’t do it just to do it. Um, mean is it a task to be completed. Um, it’s a jumping off point for conversation. Um, it’s a tool to foster relationship with the most high. Um, so if you haven’t had an opportunity to check out dwell yet. Definitely check it out this jesus http://lifepodcast.comforward/dwell.

Right? right.

That’s right.

Dwell Dwell That’s right? yeah.

This Jesus Life Podcast Forwardd Slash Well Amsville podcast right? somebody text me a couple weeks ago and says hey isn’t this the right link and I was like it would be if it you spell podcast right? but did it So definitely check them out.

Ah, that’s funny. That’s funny. They texted that they texted that and then it did an autocor correct for them or you know they had that squiggly line under there when they said the text and they’re still like no I’m committed to saying podecast.


Oh yeah, well they probably it was probably like it was probably like because it’s a url it just doesn’t like check it like she’s It’s that dot com. Whatever.

P O O d

Right? right? right? right? right? right.

But definitely definitely check it out and for those that have and we greatly appreciate it. You know, just you know all transparency. We do get a little bit kickback for everyone that signs up but that helps us pay for this podcast podcasts aren’t free to put on so that’s really all you’re helping us do so we appreciate it. Thanks for checking them out.

Yes, right? no. Um, yeah.

Um, we think it’s a great tool or we wouldn’t bring it to you but definitely check out the well AnAndrew dude what are we talking about.

That’s right yes, my man. Well today is our you know continuation of summer season. My friend which you and I have been on a lot of adventures and doing a lot of things and we have a great series coming forthcoming. And I know last time we talked I set it up as like next conversation is the start of our series. You know what? it’s not I was wrong I can’t predict the future all the time. Ah so today we’re going to talk about um one of my probably my very favorite psalm or my none favorite psalm. And and it’s something that like man it kind of became one of the favorites for me. Ah throughout covid and throughout the season of like you remember when ah like my daughter was about to be born my youngest one and and I found out I was getting let go. Um, now I hadn’t done anything wrong. We just had a big reor and my job was being eliminated so I had like couple months to find a new job but I found that out literally I think it was like four days before my youngest was born so Jana was super pregnant. Um. Covid was happening. This reorg was happening found out. Ah my job was going away like a lot of uncertainty in life and I think that’s when psalm 46 ah really grabbed me and like um I don’t know how I came across it or. Happen to read it at that time but I did right around that same moment and ever since it’s been like on my mind frequently in in different places. You know, maybe small moments of worry big moments of worry. Whatever like it’s one of those things that I keep coming back to. So um I don’t know should I jump in and and read som 46 or or some of it. Um, yeah I’ll do that. So let me just read the first like a chunk here of it. Um. And then Joshna are just going to kind of react and see where this conversation goes and and what the holy spirit you know decides to lead us into or not this could be an incredibly short podcast or we might have a great conversation but we’re going to lean on the holy spirit and see what happens so this is what it says. God is our refuge and strength of very present help and trouble therefore we will not fear though. The earth should change and the mountains slip into the heart of the sea though its waters roar and foam though the mountains quake at its swelling pride cilah.

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of god the holy dwelling place of the most high god is in the midst of her she will not be moved god will help her when morning dawns the nation’s made an uproar. The kingdom’s totter tottered that they he raised his voice. The earth melted. The lord of host is with us the god of jacob is our stronghold say law come behold the works of the lord he has wrought desolations in the earth he makes wars to cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and cuts the spear into he burns the chariots with fire. Cease striving and know that I am god I will be exalted among the nations I will be exalted in the earth the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our stronghold. That’s it I didn’t read just a chunk I read the whole thing ah because why not it’s it’s pretty short. Um, man. Ah before I keep talking I have None thing to say but did ah what grabbed you in that did anything stand out to you in in psalm 46 my friend.

Yeah I think this is true of I think it’s true. A lot of the the different psalms throughout the entire book. Whether David wrote him or somebody else like there’s a depth of relationship. Um, that is a foundation to what they’re saying.


Yeah, yeah.

Um, that I think like have this conversation all the time within our circles but um, like we we talk about relationship as a church you know relationship with God like this is a personal thing. It’s not just a religion blah blah Blah Blah blah.


But we don’t talk about the depth of relationship required um to be able to say these words and then be true right? Like we can say from a knowledge standpoint I can say yeah of course God is my refuge in strength like of course.


Um, God is with me a course God is bigger than these things of course I don’t have to worry about you know the Earth falling you giving away or circumstances of life becoming over like from a knowledge standpoint. Yeah, of course this is true. Um, but from a heart standpoint and really trusting and believing it like.


There’s a depth of relationship you have to have with God and that takes time it takes intentionality. It doesn’t happen overnight um to be able to get to these places where you know these words. Not only do they from a head knowledge standpoint say yeah scripture says they’re true so they’re true but from a heart position of like.

Um, yeah.

No, these are true because like I’ve experienced them and believed them to be true like they’re a part of who I am because it’s you know it’s God in me, kind of thing and I think that’s the piece that we often miss like so having conversation with someone a couple weeks ago about just trusting God and um. You know their response was like ah well of course I Trust God like why wouldn’t you trust God I was like but like saying you trust God and actually trusting God are are drastically different things. Um, and I think a lot of us confuse those things and convince ourselves that we actually trust God But in reality if we.

Um, who.

Um, yeah.

Watch our actions. We watch how our brains operate or how our thoughts go through our head. We don’t We don’t actually trust God because we just haven’t taken the time to foster relationship with God at the at the deeper levels required to be able to say these things to be true, but.

Yeah, dude, that’s good point and that’s that’s a great point and building on that I should have looked up who wrote psalm 46 I was trying to do that real fast but I don’t know but like the.

That was my None thoughts Adrian how about you.

The reality you know the background some of the background story on David that we know from the old testament was like his rise to being king of Israel was not a simple one like and it could have been more simple. Um he could have. Probably very rightly just like taken out saul um on his own but that’s not what he did because he’s like that’s not how I’m getting to power I’m going to honor god and let god do this in his time. Um and like for a while there David was literally like chased around the country. By Saul’s army and saul himself as well and David like literally to the point of like no, we’re coming to kill you like we’re gonna find you you can hide in any cave you want. We’re gonna find you and kill you meanwhile god had been doing these radical things in David’s life and. And like he had literal opportunities where like he was in a cave one time Saul was laying there asleep and instead of killing Saul like pretty much anybody would do in most stories to get to power if like I’m going to secede this guy’s king if I just take him out. Just cut off a piece of his robe to show him like no I could have and I didn’t I don’t want to harm you you know, but all that to say like that was one moment in his journey but he was being chased around by a bunch of people trying to kill him like with everything they could trying to find and kill him. So when he’s writing from this depth of relationship of like no I trust god god can do anything you know and god will protect me a lot of psalms are like god my enemies are at the door they’re trying to take me out I am totally relying on you for protection because. If. It’s just me I’m going to die you know like it’s an intense level of needing to trust god that this comes out of and um I don’t know man bring it more more present like it just it launches with like god it is our refuge and strength of very present help and trouble.

Yeah, yeah.

And I like that like that that is meaningful to me because like we talk about you know you can put on your your church hat or your theology hat and talk about God being omniscient omnipotent and omnipresent that omnipresent one is like everywhere at once all the time and. And the reality is God I Believe God is very present present in our life. Um, always like he is. He’s always around us always with us and and I think it’s more on us of whether we acknowledge that and believe that and and look for him. In our lives or we just kind of hang out and assume he’s not paying attention. Um, but I like that it says a very present help in time of trouble in times of trouble because like man in my experience times of trouble tend to be what what kind of reveal. Um, what’s already there. You know like are you are you going to be strong in in a in a good moment and then really weak in in a time of trouble or are you going to be strong and still have faith when you actually need it of like hey God is present God is in this situation God is working in it. And he’s gonna he’s gonna do his will in it and provide he’s gonna lead to his will being done no matter what it’s just easy to it’s easy for me to to consider in a time of trouble like no I just better take this into my control. You know I better.

You you.

Better fix this when probably the proper response is like no I’m going to None like pause and pray and let it out and say God This is what’s really happening. Um I’m freaked Out. You know this is what’s going on and this is where I need you. And then then do as as God leads you to do but um, it’s a lot easier for me to move towards that like I’m going to be worried and and I’m going to try to fix it on my own than it is to jump into like now I Trust God Even when it’s hard I Trust God Even when I’m being pressed you know in ah in a way that. Is uncomfortable to say but yeah man deep relationship. Yeah.

Yeah, good thing too like yeah and like when when everything’s falling around you right circumstances seem to be overwhelming. Um, it feels like you know your enemies at at the. You know, just behind the door kind of thing and everything’s falling apart like I think of AnAndrew and I were talking about. You know this psalm before we started and we decided between 46 and None and with 46 but in psalm 23 and you maybe you’ve heard the song. It’s it’s a famous psalm or maybe you’ve heard a song. You know, sang from the song. There’s plenty of those as well. But there’s ah, there’s a statement in here that I think is I think it’s a powerful image of what’s going on. Um, but in psalm 23 and verse 5 he says you prepare a table this is David by the way. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies and like just put yourself in that situation for a second of like the circumstances the harm. Um, the people all those all those things you know, kind of coming at you and you could just picture yourself sitting at a table ah across from Jesus.


And and Jesus isn’t necessarily fighting those things from getting close. He’s looking you in the eyes and he’s he’s putting up the 2 fingers and point to your eyes and his eyes and says look at me right? Just keep looking at me. Um, don’t take your eyes off of me. Um, like these are going to keep coming. They’re going to keep they’re going to keep throwing spears.

Um, yep.

It’s going to keep happening but I want you to keep looking at me and I think that’s the imagery that that 46 hits as well is like just keep looking at me. Um, like foster this relationship keep keep digging in here I’m going to take care of you. It’s going to be okay.


Even if it doesn’t turn out like you thought it was going to I promise you it’s going to turn out for your good just keep looking at me and I think that’s where where we get. Um, that’s where we get to this place and in in relationship with Jesus where the circumstances of life don’t have.



An effect on you like they did before and you’re able to have hope regardless of what’s going on around you because you know you’re you’re with your Jesus right? Like Jesus is there. He’s he’s walking with you and you’re not having to um, ah worry or or let the anxiety take over of everything going on. Um, because you know he’s he’s got you but but the other piece of that is like that takes time relationship doesn’t happen overnight and you know we think of you know you could be married for for none right? and in that thirty years if you weren’t intentional with your time with your spouse the chances that you know them really? well. It may be there but it may not as well. But the depth of relationship where you feel safe in that relationship where you find comfort in that relationship where they do function as your best friend that takes attentionality right? like that doesn’t happen overnight and it’s the same thing with Jesus you know there’s people.


Yeah, yeah.

That have you know gave their life to jesus thirty plus years ago that don’t know Jesus well today we would call them spiritual infants or spiritual children in in hill city circles like um, they just never learned how to foster relationship with Jesus so they’ve never found growth. They’ve never moved past.

Um, yeah.

Um, yeah.

The same struggles. They’ve been struggling with their whole life because they never let Jesus take over that sanctification process. They’ve been trying to do it on their own this whole time. But there’s power and I know too like and I’ve said this on the podcast like if our None role is the fos relationship with Jesus and be ah you an active participant in that relationship but letting him lead it. Like that seems passive, you’re like but I have all these things I have to deal with I know we all do so did David Dave was a man after god’s own heart and you know David David screwed up royally not only do you screw up royally in the process of hiding it. He had somebody killed right? like and this is a man after god’s own heart.

Smith there.

Yeah, um, yeah.

Well David knew how to do relationship with Jesus that’s what mattered you know I think of you know when Jesus says you know away from me for I never knew you at judgment. Um, that comes down to like sure god knows you? you knows every hair he knows everything about you. That’s not the point he’s saying relationally I don’t know who you are.


We haven’t spent any time together and that’s where this that’s where the key of all this is it lives like that’s why Jesus went to the cross is to restore relationship. Um, that’s why sins had to be forgiven so relationship can be restored and we just don’t take the time to invest in um, that relationship to get to those. Those places where we can look at Jesus and be like god everything’s falling around you know around me but I’m going to look directly at you I’m going to keep my eyes focused on you. It feels like the earth is giving away. You know the mountains are falling into the sea. It feels like the storm is raging all around me but you’re my god and my eyes are on you right.

Um, yeah.

Same thing with with ah Peter in in walking on water in the sea a galley you know he starts to sink when he starts to sink when he took took his eyes off of Jesus in Jesus look at me. Um, and I think so much of this is and it’s the secret sauce of Christian faith.


This is how we find maturity This is how we find Stability This is how we find growth. But it’s not easy. We can We can describe it of like yeah this is yeah this is it. This is so simple but relationship takes time relationships takes intentionality relationship takes trust Vulnerability humility. All of these things.

Yeah, yeah.

Um, and this is why you in my circles we say Christians be should be relational experts. There should be nobody on this earth that does relationships better than us. Um with each other and with God we should. We should be the the gold standard of how relationships should be done I Wish it was true.

Who? Yeah yeah.


All the time. It’s not we we have plenty of harm in in our wake but you know at least and in my circles we’re trying to do it better in trying to actually live this thing out and foster relationship with God So we can read these verses and not only do we say they’re true in our head but we say they’re true in our heart.

Um, yeah.

And we can be still and know that he is god and sit in the presence of god and because of what Jesus did on the cross but that all takes time AnAndrew I think that was longer than 30 seconds to cover wherever the heck you took off to ah but yeah, what do you think.

Yeah, yeah.

My dog was barking because she was like trapped around she got hung up on something She was totally fine. She was just like making a lot of noise. So I’m like okay I better go get her. Um man I think right along with that point and maybe just the same thing from a slightly different.


Poor clem. But.

Lens that like verse 10 towards the end that cease striving and know that I am god um, like that’s followed by like I’m going to be exalted among the nations I’m going to be exalted among the earth I being god not you and me, um, but it like a lot of this stuff is super dramatic like.


The mountains are being thrown into the heart of the sea like wars are happening everywhere. God makes the wars cease like really big things happen and then god moves so that people can’t say I’m on the throne or I did that people can say that. But. Ah, they they will be wrong like I think when we try to take god off of his throne and in our lives and put ourselves there instead or put anything else there instead. Um at some point god will dethrone that thing that isn’t him you know. And and we know like from the bible at some point every knee will bow like every tongue confet will confess. Um that that crest is lord like it. It’s a lot better to do it in this life. It’s a lot better to do it when you can choose it. But at some point. Every knee’s gonna bow you know and every but every knee everyone is gonna acknowledge the lordship of of god like yeah, you are overall and in all and through all and and I think that in our lives god gives us. No matter where we’re at no matter whether we’re followers of Christ or not yet followers of Christ like I think god gives us plenty of opportunities to be humbled and to to see god as god and to see us in the place that we should be in. Um. So that we can exalt him and be like wow no like I don’t have to be god that’s god like I’m not god I’m just a person I’m a made in his image. But I’m not him. Um, but that that starts in this with like cease striving and know that I’m god like slow down for a minute. Let your ambition cool off and realize you’re not god like it’s it’s not all up to you and it is all up to god so I don’t know if that makes any sense as a point but ah, um, basically just saying like god will be exalted in our lives one way or another. And um, and I think he gives us a lot of opportunities to to acknowledge that and to realize what our place is as opposed to him you know, um I don’t know does that make sense man.

Yeah,, that’s good. That’s good I think too like the question becomes you know when you recognize you’re not actually foster relationship with God like the question then becomes Well how do I do it right? Doesn’t happen overnight. It takes Time. Um. Had a conversation with somebody not that long ago and um and they were commenting on a different conversation than I had with with somebody else about just what God was teaching us and and we’re moving and this other person you know said I would kill to have that and and and my response to them was like sure everyone would, but.


What what? you’re seeing isn’t isn’t isn’t didn’t that just happen overnight isn’t because we’re special or yeah, we we you know God loves us more or something like that that was that’s a lot of years of Foster relationship with God and you’re seeing the result of those years but it was a lot of years to get to this place right? like.

Right? right.

Starting a phosphor relationship but Jesus in the beginning is awkward just like it is with a friend at times like you run out of things to talk about you. Don’t know where to go in the conversation. You don’t know if ah, you’re on the same wavelength or or making sense to each other. Um. You know you have those moments where you know there’s just awkward pauses. All those things are true relationships relationship god plays by the same rules. Um, that relationship with humans. Um, we foster relation with god in in very similar ways. Um, so it takes time it takes time for you to be vulnerable. It takes time for you to be honest.

You hear.

It takes time for you willing to talk about things that maybe you are uncomfortable to talk about with God and you could say well I talk to God about everything. My guess is probably you don’t at least not to the depth that you need to um you may be like God forgive me for for you know, whatever the sin is and that’s where you leave it.


Don’t you talk deeper in that. Why do you think you, you go to that sin. Why do you feel like you’re constantly struggling with the same things. What might be the underlying causes like talk to God about those things and let the depth of it go and like it’s the same thing with like. You know you’ve heard the statement if you spent any time in the church like just give it to God and forget or whatever the statement is um, you’re like sure but most of the time of giving it to God is like God I’m worried I’m going to lose my job or’m I’m worried I can’t find a new job and that’s relief it how but instead of that prayer. The prayer is God up I’m terrified that.


That I’m being seen as a failure right now I’m terrified that my wife and my kids or that my you know friends and my circles they’re looking at me and saying man he he’s actually failing at life or God I’m I’m worried that I’m never going to be able Prepare. You know you know provide for my family or for the needs that I have. Um, God it I’m going to end up back on my parent like talk through all those those fears that are that are gripping your heart. Um and and get into the depth of the conversation in those places you’ll be blown away at at how much God takes off your shoulders when you just let it out Right. You know he says that his his yoke is easy and his burden is life I don’t know if I said this on the podcast yet. But um, there’s a book called gentle and lowly that our leadership team’s been reading and one of the statements in it that the books the book’s okay, the opening chapters were a lot better than the ending chapters. But ah.

Rule now sounds cool. Okay, fair enough.

There’s a statement in the opening chapters that says you know his yoke is easy and his burden is light the way that this can be translated is like you know what Helium does to a balloon. Um God does to to the burdens of your life. Um.


Like it should be. It should feel like it’s being lifted off and it’s not then you’re doing it wrong and I don’t say that in a Condemndo Condo con in whatever that word is that I can’t think of it um, condemning way. Um I say that in in a hopeful way of like there’s a better way to do this? um.

That’s cool. Ah condemning.

Yeah, instead of focusing on everything around you going back to you know psalm 23 when when the world seems to be attacking you from every direction. Keep your eyes on Jesus meaning keep keep your your conversations with Jesus constantly going. Keep keep going back and looking for more ways or he could be more vulnerable. And more honest in those conversations making sure that there’s time throughout the day that you are having these conversations with Jesus, you’re going to be blown away when Jesus when you start to understand Jesus talking back and now you’re in a conversation. It takes time doesn’s napping overnight but keep pushing into those things you pushing past the awkwardness.


Um, yeah.

You’re going to be blown away by how much and we’ll talk about this in a couple of weeks but I think my favorite story in scripture right? now is the woman at the well like this is the moment Jesus now declaring that he is he is the son of god and you know was counting on this woman to go and tell the world.

Oh cool.

Um, that he is the son of god and it all started in Samaria but ah in the in the midst of that that conversation. Um, just the depth of relationship that so quickly gets formed in that moment like um.


She was blown away by you know this guy that was able to tell me everything wrong I’ve ever done but it was the care that Jesus had in that moment of like here’s here’s the outsider and like this is the same way god pursues us no matter what you’ve done no matter what you’re doing in the midst of it like god is is chasing you in the in those places. So.

Yep yep. Um, who yeah.

You know you can keep my you know keep your eyes on him keep keep focusing on him. Don’t lose that focus I think where we get in trouble is we let the tasks of relationship become the relationship. So I read my bible all the time I pray and when I pray it’s more.

Um, yeah, yeah.

You know, transactional in nature I fast sometimes I I give to my church I serve all those things you’re like yeah, that’s what good Christians do. But like if you’re doing these things outside of relationship I would argue. What’s the point.


Right? Sure you’re you look like a better christian you look like a better person you’re living morally fantastic! Awesome um, but my fear for you if you’re not foster relationship with Jesus is one day you’re gonna stand before Jesus go like I never knew you like I never knew your heart you never you never gave it to me. Um, so you know do I do I think that.

I didn’t know. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Affects your salvation I don’t like Jesus is Jesus’ ‘ salvation if you call him lord you and confess with your mouth that he is you know he did what he said he was going to do and is who he said he was then you’re safe, but you miss out on so much life. You could have experienced with Christ in this side of heaven.


Um, and you know the effects of that on the other side of heaven. But I think there’s that piece too like I don’t want you to get to a place where you’re like man I I wasted my life. Um I I did all the right things and I I didn’t actually ever know God and you can know God which is mind boggling in itself.


Right? just.

Um, and you know you can keep knowing God and the deeper you go the more there is to know and all those things but look for those ways and this is why we push dwell. You know sure you know we get kickback from it and those kinds of things but like we push it because we think it’s a great tool and that tool should lead to conversation. That’s the biggest key like if it’s not conversation. You’re doing it wrong.


Um, like it shouldn’t feel sterile. It should feel relational. It should feel vulnerable. It should feel like you’re giving like all those things um the same things that relationship have do the same things with god but this is why we push these kind of tools because we think they’re helpful. Um. Especially for those are like well I just I can’t read my bible. Awesome listen to it. Everybody takes a shower. Um you know AnAndrew for months there was listening to scripture in the shower like let that be a place and then and then jump off from there like when something jumps out to you just talk to god about it and the question would be like god why.

Yeah I still do a lot of the time. Yeah, yeah, yup.

Why did that’s that’s the statement that was just said why did that kick off to me I don’t I don’t fully understand it can we talk about that and just start talking you know and it’s going to be 1 side of it None or it’s going to feel one side of it None It’s going to change over time but keep pushing into it I think.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That’s the biggest hurdle for Christians We don’t keep pushing into it and things start to you know we we think we’re doing it wrong somewhere along the way. So we just stop doing it and unfortunately relationship takes time your growth takes time right? like you’re going to learn how to foster relationship being an active participant in that relationship and he’s going to ask you to do small little things here and there.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Um, and it’s going to take a while for you to to start to recognize even the growth in that right, it takes time time is okay, time is not the enemy just lean into it keep leaning into it AnAndrew I feel like I’ve been talking forever.

You know what? dude it’s been really good I’m glad you were talking for a few minutes. It’s really good in in that idea of like feeling his yoke is easy and burdens like feeling like a balloon filled with helium. You know, gently lifting off like that’s a pretty awesome analogy and I’m glad you brought that up. Um. I don’t know I guess my final thought is just simply that um man like we you you don’t get to this place of deep trust in god at least I don’t I can’t speak for everybody. You don’t get it to a place of deep trust in god in your life overnight. Like for me I wouldn’t say I have a deep trust in god I still worry way too much about things I shouldn’t worry about you know I’ve seen god show up in my life time and time again and I’m still often learning the lesson of like no, you don’t need to worry about tomorrow. Today has enough worries of its own. You know Jesus said that a bunch of times. That’s why it’s in the sermon on the mount and um like I still’t forget that stuff all the time and you know what if I was being chased around by a bunch of people trying to murder me for whatever reason like David was I don’t know. Ah, how I would react to this moment but I do know god has spent a lot of time in my life teaching me that he is faithful teach me what priorities in my life need to be of relationship with god then relationship with my wife. And being a great dad after that and being a great friend and family member after that um like he’s he’s ordered these things and he slowly taught me these things over time and you know I think he teaches us things slowly so that that it can actually sink in I think he builds. A level of trust with us slowly so that it it can actually sink in. So if you’re listening to this and thinking like man I barely barely trust god like well that’s probably better than than it was a while ago, you probably didn’t trust him at all a while ago. So barely trust in god is a whole lot better than not at all. And you know give it some time and keep leaning in and you might really trust god down the road I might trust god at a deeper level down the road if I keep leaning into relationship like this thing is is a marathon this life. It’s not a sprint and and we know we have today because we’re in it. You know so. In today in right now take a minute maybe bust out your bible open up Google whatever you got to do but look up psalm 46 read it listen to it. Check it out a few times this week see if anything grabs you each time you read it and pray about that thing like Josh was talking about. Um.

And trust God because man the nations are always in an uproar I can’t remember a time things weren’t in an uproar. Ah since I paid attention to the news at All. It’s always in an uproar.. That’s that’s life like there’s always something to be. Um, angry about her frustrated by or upset about. But you know what God is in control he is steering this ship on ah on a large scale in a way that we can’t fully understand but but God is always in control and God is always present in our lives. Um. And and Psalm 46 is something that brings that back into my mind in a real way anytime I think about it or read it or pray through it. Um, So thanks for thanks for diving in to one of my favorite psalms as a ad hoc Summer series episode My friend.

You know I do now I do have one final thought the the point that I brought up the the only reason I brought up the woman at the well and I forgot he mentioned it. But Jesus this conversation with the woman at the well.

Do you have any final thoughts or are you feeling good. Yeah sweet.

Um, yeah.

Um, and he asks her for for a drink of water and she says you know you have nothing to pull the water up and he said but and then he identifies himself as the the messiah and then he said he makes a statement in that conversation that says you know the water I give you you’ll never thirst again and I believe that today wholeheartedly.


Um, if you.

Um, here.

If you learn how to foster relationship with Jesus you will never thirst again. Um, and I don’t say that lightly I know it’s hard. Um, but I’m sitting in a season of life and I’ve been sitting here for for a couple of years now where I never thirst again I don’t think think christianity has to be highs and lows I think that’s actually poor version of christianity. And think we can generally sit at a high um the majority of our life regardless of what’s going on around us if we just learn how to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and in relationship with Jesus like you can have a life where you never thirst again. Um, it’s possible. It’s doable i’m. And I’m I’m not the only one there’s plenty of people in my circles that are living the same life right now as well. So keep chasing after Jesus Chase that living water fo relationship with Jesus take the time use tools like dwell this jesus’ lifepodcast dot com for slash dwell in those types of things or the bible app or.

Um, yeah, yeah, that’s right.


Whatever there’s plenty of tools out there to help you foster relationship Jesus but yeah, that’s my last thoughts AnAndrew as always buddy I’m hoping next our next season or series I think it’s gonna be a fantastic one if we can just get our ducts in a line and do the work that we need to do.

That’s solid bro.

I think I think it’s gonna kick off soon I think we’re gonna get him. We’re gonna get him ordered that’s right make it happen. It’s coming. It’s coming guys.

To be able to produce this thing. It’s coming I promise it’s gonna be all about Jesus it’s it’s right around the corner we hope starting next week but if not come back anyways and just hear hear our fantastic rant about whatever. Um, or maybe it’s another replay and you can take a listen to 1 of our favorite old.

Ah, it’s coming.


You know, old episodes. Um, either way it’s gonna be good content. Come back, Check us out share us with your friends. All those things that are like outro says that you probably stop listening to because it’s the same thing every week but that’s fine. We we don’t feel super.


Offended by but we do feel a little bit offended by him that you stop listening to us. But yeah AnAndrew as always my buddy. Ah, it’s good to see you sorry I was just kind of stalling for our outro to fully kick in and that’s really that was really it let’s see dude.

Yeah, it’s good to see you my friend ah see you dude.

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